Knowing Interest and Talent Little Early

The more Little given the opportunity to try a variety of activities, usually will facilitate the Mother / Father in recognizing the interests and talents. Mother / Father can also make a list of any intelligence that has given stimulus or a journal of child development to make observations. However, observation of daily activities can also be the Mother / Father try.
How to Recognize Interest and Talent LittleEach child has their interests and talents of each, therefore it is important for the Mother / Father to make observations every day. Mother / Father can apply some of these ways:
  • Note When Little Playing
Is Little prefers to play together in groups or alone, does Little like running around or sitting still? Which items are a favorite? Do dolls, cell phone, or a bicycle?
  • Give Small Si Options
If the mother / father wants him to les instruments, give Little selection of instruments what he wants to play. Is the piano, guitar, drums, or even he was more interested in singing? If he can not make a choice, the mother / father can pick first for him. But if he does not like it, offer another alternative that may be more he liked.
  • Do not Force Will of the Mother / Father
Do not force the dream of Mother / Father that had not reached the Little if he did not like it. Instead, encourage and give encouragement to Small One can hone his talents according to their ability and interests.
  • Supports Fully
If Little loves to draw, please support it by providing good quality drawing tools. If necessary, take it for drawing lessons. Little also be included in a drawing competition to hone his confidence.
Eight type Si Intelligence Small
During this time Mother / Father already knows about the three basic intelligence, intelligence that visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. However, education has undergone a rapid development with the discovery of the theory of multiple intelligences by Professor Howard Gardner of Harvard University.
According to Professor Gardner, intelligence is the ability to solve problems and create something. He developed the concept of the eight multiple intelligences. The child's intelligence is:
  • Kinesthetic intelligence
Little that this intelligence is generally prominent in the field of sports and other physical activities, such as dancing, riding a bicycle, a car, to balance the body, and others. Usually he does not like monotonous work behind the counter.
Stimulation: Mother / Father may invite Little to exercise a few times each week or do a game that made him move on, such as the police thief, vault salty, and others.
  • Linguistic intelligence

Little by this intelligence usually happy chatter, can speak earlier, and have a more complete vocabulary of children his age - this may be a sign that he would do well in school later. Little will be a success in a profession that requires a persuasive skills such as law and journalism.
Stimulation: Mother / Father may invite Little to learn a foreign language, buy a picture book interesting, and others.
  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

If Little is neat and orderly person, maybe he will grow into a child who is able to think analytically and attention to detail. Such a child is generally gifted in mathematics and science.
Stimulation: Mother / Father may invite Little play exciting puzzles or games that are able to train math skills.
  • Visual Spatial Intelligence
When Little happy tinkering with everything, it is a sign that he has a good visual-spatial abilities. Later, he can choose the path of engineering or architect.
Stimulation: Mother / Father may invite Little playing lego or block where he can learn and develop various forms.
  • Interpersonal intelligence
Little by this intelligence have the ability to communicate and socially effective, has many friends, and love to work in teams. All types of work relating to other people surely need this intelligence, especially public figures, leaders, teachers, counselors, and others.
Stimulation: Ensure Little plenty met with siblings or peers, so that he can train the ability to interact.
  • intrapersonal intelligence
Little that this intelligence is generally more comfortable working alone, can sometimes take time to be alone from the crowd, introspection, creativity, and wisdom. Work requiring intrapersonal intelligence among other entrepreneurs, counselors, therapists, and others.
Stimulation: Establish effective communication, both verbal and nonverbal, so Little felt loved and confident.
  • Naturalist intelligence

Little by type of intelligence is very interested and appreciate everything related to nature, such as plants, animals, the environment, the weather, and others. He could be a scientist or nature conservation.
Stimulation: Invite Little do the outdoor activities and collecting objects related to nature such as leaves, insects, shells, and others.
  • Musical intelligence
This intelligence type emphasizes on the ability to recognize the tone, vibration, sounds, and beats. Little stands out in this field like the music and sounds of nature, such as the insects, the sound of water, the sound of rain, and others.
Stimulation: Mother / Father can listen to music, singing, and dancing with Little.
But if the mother / father had not been able to find talent Small Si, do not be discouraged. You may not see it. Ask about activities, habits, and characteristics Little to people who come into contact with everyday. For example, teachers in schools, caregivers, or grandparents.